
Who are the uninsured

Who are the Uninsured?

Being uninsured and unable to pay for treatment and medications can have a serious impact on one’s life. One such…


Options for Affordable Flu Vaccinations

Flu vaccines are now available at local pharmacies, clinics, and other providers. As well as educating our patients about timing and which vaccine is the best choice, uninsured patients need vaccinations to be affordable.


Pharmacoequity: A Call to Action

Have you started to hear more about population health, health equity, or pharmacoequity in your workplace or even communities? These are newer terminologies that have been in the spotlight, particularly over the last several months being brought forth with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pharmacy Deserts: Overlooked Barriers

Whether looking at insurance coverage or socioeconomic status, underutilization of prescription medications is oftentimes associated with cost. These are certainly significant contributing factors but solely focusing on cost ignores a significant issue at play: physical proximity.